This is because you installed an unmatched C3D object enabler version with MS SS2. When installing an object enabler, it is required to match the installer version. MS SS2 supports RealDWG 2010 library files, you may choose installing AutoCAD Civil 2010 object enabler.
Thank you Lily. I have tried installing 2010 object enabler but still not seeing the tables. The problem I think is those tables, according to our consultant, are created in AutoCAD Civli 3D 2011 that we need to install 2011 object enabler. And I got the error while installing the 2011 object enabler because SS2 does not support RealDWG 2011 library. I am thinking if SS3 will but we have not upgraded to SS3 yet. Please advise.
Autocad 2010 64 bits 23
Thanks for your sample file. You can't view those objects in AutoCAD 2010 and RealDWG 2010. Fortunately they work in MS SS3, all C3D objects in the file are enabled, including AECC_COGO_POINT, AECC_POINT_TALBE and AECC__TIN_SURFACE.
For now, VBA is still supported in Autodesk products however, starting with the 2010 product releases, VBA is no longer part of the default installation. This applies to all products except Inventor 2010 and Civil 3D 2010; these products relied too heavily on VBA for core functionality to remove it from the installer. For all other products, VBA must be downloaded and installed separately. If you use VBA macros in your work environment, they will no longer work unless the VBA modules have been installed on your system.
If you plan to install multiple 2010 products on your computer, the VBA Enabler should be installed last so that it gets installed on all supported products. For example: if AutoCAD and AutoCAD Map 3D were installed prior to installing the VBA Enabler, then VBA will install into both products and both will have VBA enabled. On the other hand, if you installed the VBA Enabler prior to installing AutoCAD Map 3D, you would need to uninstall the VBA Enabler, install AutoCAD Map 3D, and then install VBA enabler again to ensure it is available in both AutoCAD and AutoCAD Map 3D.
productType = "BonusPack"strInstallLevel=5 ' 5 installs everything, 3 installs typical' ' Source to install from (e.g. Z:\install\Autodesk\ AcVbaInstallerInstall \CDROM1) strSourcePath = "C:\Autodesk\AutoCAD_2010_VBA_Enabler_Install_Image\CDROM1"' RunStandaloneInstall() Wscript.quit()
Autodesk is currently evaluating how long VBA will be supported in Autodesk products in the future. Though supported in the AutoCAD 2010-based products, it may or may not be supported in future releases.
Chris: For me, this is the salient point of something that came up -- first, that I saw it in a Minnesota Public Radio article in which you were quoted, saying that your business plan had called for breaking even in Year 5 of your network. And that was in 2010. And you came within $50,000 of breaking even. Now, some would say -- look at that and say, well that's proof that Windom shouldn't have done it. They lost $50,000. Now, people like me look at that and think, yeah, $50,000. Let's put that on one hand. And in the other hand, we're going to put all the jobs from Fortune Trucking that would have left. We're going to put free services for the schools, the libraries. We're going to put lower prices for the whole community. And, wow! You know, there's no local leader on this planet who would rather have $50,000 than all those benefits. 2ff7e9595c